Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Complex Cases of Personality Disorders: Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy

This book proposes an integrated model of treatment for Personality Disorders (PDs) that goes beyond outdated categorical diagnoses, aiming to treat the general factors underlying the pathology of personality. The authors emphasize the development of metacognitive functions and the integration of procedures and techniques of different psychotherapies. The book addresses the treatment of complex cases

2021-07-14T13:55:45+02:00Luglio 8th, 2021|News, Pubblicazioni Scientifiche|

Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study

Segnaliamo un articolo appena pubblicato su Metacognizione e Binge Eating. Si tratta di una network analyisis in cui emerge un’importante conclusione: "Conclusions: According to the present NA findings, impaired self-monitoring metacognition and difficulties in impulse control are the central nodes in the psychopathological network of BED whereas eating symptoms appear marginal.” E’ un dato in

2021-02-16T14:28:54+01:00Febbraio 16th, 2021|Pubblicazioni Scientifiche|

Metacognition as a Predictor of Improvements in Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders (PDs) are particularly hard to treat and treatment drop-out rates are high. Several authors have agreed that psychotherapy is more successful when it focuses on the core of personality pathology. For this reason, therapists dealing with PDs need to understand the psychopathological variables that characterize this pathology and exactly what contributes to maintaining

2020-03-03T16:48:54+01:00Marzo 3rd, 2020|Pubblicazioni Scientifiche|

Neurobiological and clinical effect of metacognitive interpersonal therapy vs structured clinical model: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Abstract Background: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex and debilitating disorder, characterized by deficits in metacognition and emotion dysregulation. The “gold standard” treatment for this disorder is psychotherapy with pharmacotherapy as an adjunctive treatment to target state symptoms. The present randomized clinical trial aims to assess the clinical and neurobiological changes following Metacognitive Interpersonal

2020-03-03T16:49:45+01:00Marzo 3rd, 2020|Pubblicazioni Scientifiche|

Curare i casi complessi: La terapia metacognitiva interpersonale dei disturbi di personalità

Curare i casi complessi: La terapia metacognitiva interpersonale dei disturbi di personalità Nell’attività clinica è in pratica impossibile incontrare un paziente con un disturbo di personalità che non sia diagnosticabile almeno per un altro disturbo di personalità e altri disturbi psichiatrici. Già questo dato rende insostenibile l’attuale nosografia categoriale che sopravvive a se stessa per

2020-03-03T16:24:18+01:00Marzo 3rd, 2020|Pubblicazioni Scientifiche|

Il Narcisismo e i suoi disturbi. La terapia metacognitiva interpersonale

Il Narcisismo e i suoi disturbi. La terapia metacognitiva interpersonale di Antonino Carcione, Antonio Semerari Questo volume, abbandonando il mero approccio categoriale, affronta il problema del narcisismo nelle sue diverse forme: dalla normalità al narcisismo patologico, fino alla malignità e alla psicopatia. Gli autori presentano in dettaglio l’approccio della Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale che, a partire da una

2020-03-03T17:29:45+01:00Marzo 3rd, 2020|Pubblicazioni Scientifiche|
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